Sunday, 13 May 2012

Kindle V The good old fashioned book

I love to read and seem to devour a book within a week or so. As I have to travel two hours a day to and from work, I seem to get through books very quickly. I have a big collection of books from science fiction, romance, crime and non-fiction in my room and boxes full of books in storage.

So for Christmas my lovely mum brought me a kindle to store all my favourite authors and make it easier to travel with my books. I love my kindle as its so handy when I read a book which has only been published in hardback it made things easier for when travelling on the train plus it can be much cheaper to buy books and very quick all you need is an internet connection. I have noticed that I have doubled up my books one as a hard copy the other stored on the kindle as these are my favourite.

However the last couple of weeks I have ditched my kindle and returned to the good old fashioned book, there is nothing like the satisfaction of finishing a book. I love my kindle but also love reading a published book, so I tend to sit on the fence on the debate on e-books V the good old fashion book.

Which do you prefer?



  1. AnonymousMay 24, 2012

    i had a library card when i was 8 which is over 59 years ago. television was in infancy & we did not get one until i was 12 so reading has been a lifelong pleasure. i buy my books and when kindles came out i thought about it but thought no way will a screen ever replace the smell & feel of a paper copy. but i bought a kindle and it sat about 3 months as i thouhgt no way. well i finally tried it and i love it. for convenience, as you say, there is no equal. i;ve dl hundreds of free books i've also bought a few when amazon has kindle bargains. for some reason it seems the kindle books are read faster than a paper book. i think if i had to choose i would choose kindle over paper.

    1. I feel exactly the same about the kindle however currently i am reading a good old fashioned book and do love the satisfied feeling you get when its finished. However i love my Kindle as our library isn't very good and allows me access to all the great classics.

      thank you for your lovely comment and feedback its great to know what people think.



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