Sunday, 9 September 2012

Isle of Wight!!

Island Map

The Needles

Like I mentioned before I spent two weeks on the Isle of Wight with my boyfriend, his family and for a couple of days my mum (so quite a few of us).  We headed off to Portsmouth early hours of Saturday morning to make our 5am ferry. These were running smoothly and we were on time to get the ferry, however my boyfriend missed a turning which added 30 minutes to our time meaning we may not catch our ferry. This is when the stress free journey turned a little tense, however by the skin of our teeth we made the ferry (being the last car on) and once the cars all locked up we headed up on deck to watch the sun rise over the water. 

Now the relaxation can commence, having nipped to Tesco to get some breakfast goodies, wet set up our breakfast feast/BBQ on the cliffs overlooking our favorite spot (Compton Bay).  With cups of teas handed out and bacon rolls and sausage sandwiches being made, I could feel the strains of London life lifting on me (sigh of relief). Once are bellies were deliciously full and enough tea was consumed to keep us happy, we made our way down the cliff to enjoy and morning stroll across the beach, clear waters, volcanic sand beneath our feet and the sun shining down onto our shoulders. Bliss.  As we were staying on a friends farm, my boyfriend G and I had our own caravan to stay in, from late night drinking and card games to early morning breakfast and walks around the farm made up our days, (or one early morning walk for me and then decided sleeping in was much more appealing). 

As I was away for two weeks I won't share all those days and most consisted on me laying in the sun with my book, a cold refreshing drink or enjoying the freshness of the sea and body boarding till the tide went out. However I did manage to drag myself off the farm some days so keep reading for my Isle of Wight days. 


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