Sunday, 10 March 2013


As you all know I work part-time at Lush and well we know what that means i've been naughty and over the last month been buying up basically the whole store. I won't share everything as we could be here for years but i'm going to share my favourite purchases:

Emotional brilliance - is the new liquid make-up range based on colour therapy. I have brought quite a few as I just love all the colours and the concept but these are my favourite shades that I wear all the time:

Perspective - Liquid Lipstick
Passionate - Liquid Lipstick
Vibrance - Liquid Lipstick
Decsive - Liquid Lipstick
Independent - Liquid eye liner
Focus - Liquid eyeshadow
Eyes Right mascara

Left to Right: Passionate, Perspective, Independent, Focus, Eyes Right, Decisive, Vibrant

Bathtime -

Brightside - this is an amazing new bubble bar that smells of oranges ... so delicious
Creamy Candy - another bubble bar which is full of cocoa butter
butterball - this is a very moisturising bath ballistic and smells so yummy its good enough to eat

Shower -

As however much I would love to have a bath everyday i can't so i settle for some lovely LUSH bath products to still get my Lush fix and narrowed it down to two favourite products:

Its raining men - honey, honey, honey is all i need to say (if you have never tried this product, rush down to your nearest lush and take a smell and buy)

Turkish delight  shower smoothie - this product took awhile to grow on me but now i can't get enough of it, its so jam packed of roses that the skin smells like a summers day

Body - 

Sympathy for the skin - is the best body and hand lotion I have ever had, I love the smell of vanilla so when I stumbled across this little gem I couldn't have been happy

Ultrabland - an amazing cleaners that softens the skin, reduces blemishes and redness and even takes off make-up and eye make-up.


Happy Birthday


It has been now over a year since I've started blogging and it's been a fantastic year will lots of different changes and happenings and I can't wait to share more with you all.

I have also decided not blog everyday as I found it was becoming to much and felt like a chore when it was meant to be away for me to be myself without the dictatorship of everyday life telling me what I need to do.


Butterfly Minds!

Today I am currently surrounded  by big dusty history books trying to write an essay on medieval England, however my mind keeps wandering and fluttering like little butterfly wings off my topic I need to be writing about.

Castles with towers with dragons, princess's and princes 

Beautiful butterfly wings fluttering in my mind


New Hair colour

I use to colour my a lot when I was younger and as a result I damaged my hair so much that I had to have it cut short and had to have several deep conditioning treatments to bring my hair back to life (sob).

So for the last year or so I haven't had any hair colour on my hair until I decided to give henna a try at work (Lush). I firstly decided to colour my hair red and it was a beautiful shade so vibrant and the cocoa butter within the henna left my hair so shinny and soft it felt at its best.

So what is henna you ask? its not the same as the henna that you can paint onto the skin, but is full of herbs, red henna, cocoa butter. You can buy henna as a powder that you can make into a paste yourself from any natural food store. But the henna from lush comes in a block which you break down and melt with hot water.

How to colour your hair? Make sure when colouring that its clean hair but dry:

  1. To start cut up the block and place them in the saucepan and pour hot water over to make a paste (cream like) make sure you wear gloves throughout as it can stain the skin.
  2. I always cover the roots first as they can be difficult to get to if you leave them to last.
  3. Once the roots are covered start with the lower sections of the hair as once the henna is applied to the hair it can become quite heavy and hard to move. 
  4. Once the hair is completely covered, it can be messy so make sure you either get someone else to do it or help and cover the floor to stop it from staining. 
  5. When you feel your hair is covered enough, if you are wanting a vibrant colour wrap the hair in cling film and heat. 
  6. Leave the colour on the hair for 1-4 hours 
  7. Once you have reached 1-4 hours of the colour setting, wash out making sure the water runs clean and shampoo and condition as normal 
This is my hair colour after using lush's caca rouge. 

I have recently coloured my hair back to brown (caca brun) as I found the red faded quickly and I didn't have the time to keep the red the vibrancy I wanted. 


Monday, 18 February 2013

Moving, Moving, Moving!

Hello My lovelies, 

As some of you may know I was living with my boyfriend and his parents whilst my mum was looking for a new house. We have finally found the cutest cottage only 10 minutes from the station (perfect all rounder in my eyes). But as now I am fully fledged university student with only a part-time job I was having difficulty paying my rent (sob) so last weekend in  the middle of shifts and uni work I managed to pack my half of the room at my boyfriends into some cupboard boxes and moved into my Grandma's for the next month or so till our house sell completes (let the count down begin). 

I have over the years lived in many different locations as just being me and my lovely mum we had to rent, so I have become an expert at moving and unpacking, I am looking forward to being able to stay put in one location for a couple of years whilst I finish my degree, before thinking of getting those packing boxes out again. 


Wednesday, 16 January 2013

New Year, New me

Hi My Lovelies

As you probably can tell I have been MIA for the last couple of months. But I have now organised everything from being ahead for university (for once), have now a permanet part-time job with lush (more on that later) and have finally organised time to start my blog up again without months at a time not blogging (which I hated as got lots of lovely things to tell you all).

So we are now half way through Janaury and so far my new year resolutions have not been broken (yet). I was going to do the usual ones such as diet, be more healthy etc but this year I have given myself targets instead as they are on going. My first target is to become more orgainsed; so I have brought myself a little diary, have constant notices telling me things I need to do, not only for uni (such as complete this essay by this date), but dedicaing time for myself and friends as last year time slipped past and some friends I just could manage to see.

My second target is to be more money savy, as now being a student and only having a part-time job the income I use to have is no-longer avaliable (sigh) but I am doing something I love which in my eyes makes up for the lack of funds.

I've only given myself two this year as I feel this can be managed throughout the whole year rather than having 3 or 4 to do and breaking them by February. What are you resolutions for this year?

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